FORMAT: 1 x TV commercial.
RUNNING TIME: 30 seconds.
CLIENT: Polar Bear Windows
To produce and execute a TV commercial from an idea that had been brewing in the client's head for over 10 years: A polar bear runs down a snowy hillside towards a house, and magically changes the old windows to new installations from Polar Bear Windows. A 30 second TV advert was required and four longer versions with seasonal settings like Christmas, Firework night, Valentines, and Halloween.
A storyboard was drawn up to show the client and all production departments what was planned for the final commercial. In the early stages the polar bear was going to be achieved via two methods; an animatronic puppet and CGI. Eventually, the puppet gave way to a full CG bear.
Watch the 1 minute long standard version of the advert here:

Go behind the scenes to see how the advert was made by watching this short promo. We're giving away all our secrets!