FORMAT: Music Video.
RUNNING TIME: 3.46 minutes.
The band FranKo and their management approached us to
produce their new music promo. The track, Eye of the Storm,
was to be a performance piece with a difference.
Sitting down at the creative table, a literal approach was
suggested with placing the band in the middle of a storm but
setting it somewhere visually interesting like Route 66 in the USA. In order
to achieve this, it would mean a mixture of special effects and visual effects
would be required to deliver the desired look.
A green screen studio was used to shoot the action and practical wind
machines were brought in to achieve the effects of the storm on the band.
CG artist, Alan Tabrett, at Hanover Pictures was in charge of creating the full
CGI environment, including the road, buildings, the sky, rain, and the storm effects. The total number of visual effects shots contained in the final promo topped 107.