FORMAT: 2 x Promotion films; Why work for us? and About Us.
RUNNING TIME: 2 minutes per film.
CLIENT: Chorus
To create two online promotional films for IT specialists, Chorus. The aim
of the two films was to entice talented IT professionals to work for them,
and also to showcase who Chorus are as a company.
Chorus came to the table with clear thoughts on which direction they
wanted the films to go in regarding the look and feel. They were
adamant the films had to be fresh, not look cheesy or staged, or feel
like other more generic corporate films online.
Through the camera style and editing we adopted an
"of-the-moment" almost documentary feel to the films to give each
promo a fresh edge. This helped avoid the staged and cheesy vibe some
other corporate promos can have. The camera is moving and also the
images often have a narrow depth of field so the background is out of
focus, not only adding production value but also helping to guide the
audience's eye. The editing was also fairly pacy to keep the running time
swift and keep the audience's attention.

Chorus: Why work for us?
Chorus: About us